NHS Campus Cleanup
The National Honor Society held a campus cleanup in October and November at Marriotts Ridge High School. These hard-working students beautified their school in an effort to help both the community and the environment. These students understand the consequences of pollution and are doing their very best to help their school. Twenty students participated in the cleanup on November 6th and another cleanup took place with seventeen kids on Oct 23, 2021.
“I truly adore helping others and the Marriotts Ridge community, and I knew that if I could tap into that it would be so wonderful. Getting other people together and being surrounded by like-minded people that want to make sure our community is beautiful and how we all like it. I knew it would be great,” senior Logan Rouse said.
Students feel that their campus could be better maintained by people learning how to clean up and use more of their resources such as trash and recycling bins. Students can be mindful of the environment; many depend on clean surroundings.
“We could stay like-minded of who’s coming to the campus next, so who’s coming behind us. It’s not just us in the world, its children, its soccer teams, and minor league football teams. So we want to keep the campus clean for us and them,” Rouse said.
The society’s actions have had positive effects- more students now want to participate in the next campus cleanup. The campus cleanup was long overdue and will keep happening multiple times a year.
There’s plenty of pollution on campuses like Marriotts Ridge, which are struggling to keep their environment clean, no matter how many trash cans or recycling bins are present.
“I think it’s terrible there’s so much pollution. A lot of it falls under the faults of world leaders because they are very careless when it comes to pollution. This should stop because soon enough the impacts of pollution on the earth will be irreversible,” senior Amanda Stephens said.
Since the 19th century, there has been a worldwide struggle with the pollution that has altered the course of events. The effects of these changes were beginning to be felt in countries around the world. In the 1960s, an environmental movement began to emerge that sought to stem the tide of pollutants flowing into the planet’s ecosystems. Currently, the National Honors Society has considered its environment and decided to help clean it up.
“As more people start to litter, people start to think it’s okay even though it is actually becoming detrimental to our society and the greenhouse gases are rising causing the ice caps to melt and just affecting all animals and their habitats around the world,” senior Amanda Stephens said.
The Marriotts Ridge chapter of the National Honor Society will continue to participate in as many cleanups as they can and help the whole school community become more aware of environmental issues.
Hi I am Ahniyah a junior at Marriotts Ridge. I am a staff writer and this is my first year of journalism. I'm passionate about black lives matter, my friends...