Toys for Tots NHS Drive
The National Honor Society led a successful Toys for Tots donation drive, donating 1,677 toys from December 3rd to the 10th. The school-wide drive was held as a competition between third-period classes to top the previous school-wide donations.
Toys for Tots, run by the Marine Corps Reserve, is an organization dedicated to donating new toys to children who may be in a financial situation which causes them not to have a ‘normal holiday’. Through the Toys for Tots charity, these children in need can receive presents, including toys, books, and games.
The impressive donations collected by the school were featured on a segment in the local news channel, FOX45. Every two years, FOX45 conducts a presentation of various organizations that have gathered toys. These community-based organizations deliver their toys to the marines who then distribute the toys to children in need.
“We gave the toys on air, then we had the opportunity to present our organization, and our students were able to speak on what we’re doing in this school,” Miss Reier, National Honor Society sponsor, said.
Students in the National Honor Society felt a sense of pride in the number of donations collected for those in need.
“This drive has been fantastic; we’ve been able to collect over 1000 toys which are more than that of the last two years combined. It’s also quite amazing to think that all the kids who have never gotten a Christmas gift before will get that and more this year,” senior Logan Rouse said.
Although the event was run by the school chapter of the National Honor Society, any student was able to participate by bringing in new toys to their third period. Many students were motivated to win themselves a Chick-Fil-A breakfast, the prize they would win if their class was within the top three classes for donations. The winner of this year’s Toys for Tots drive was Mr. Frank’s third-period English class, with a whopping 271 toys donated. Following closely behind were Ms. Jenkins and Ms. Barbieri.
“Everyone who donated as well as in the National Honor Society is just as responsible and creditable for such an exceptional drive this year! I can not wait to hear about what the future of this drive and other drives for Marriotts Ridge brings,” Rouse said.
Through the Toys for Tots Drive, the Student community was able to bring holiday cheer to the less fortunate while also increasing school spirit.

Hello! My name is Sidrah, and I'm a senior! This is my fourth and final year of journalism, and I'm a copy editor. Outside of school, I love driving around,...