Students’ New Year’s Traditions and Resolutions
As the new year approaches, Marriotts Ridge students are beginning to consider some ideas about how they want to start the new chapter of their lives. With a variety of both mental and physical goals, the MRHS community is moving toward the future with both optimism and determination.
New Year’s Day is an annual holiday centered around discovering new traits of oneself and making resolutions to improve one’s life. A common view is to use this first day of the year as a clean slate.
“My New Year resolves to become healthier in mind, body, and spirit. I can achieve this by exercising, meditating, and losing weight,” sophomore Ja’ Kaylen Love said. “My family and I also write letters to our future selves about things we want to accomplish. We open them every New Year to see if we were able to complete our goals from the previous year.”
Writing a letter to one’s future self can motivate the individual to become a better person. The activity can help the author in developing themselves; it teaches valuable lessons that will stick with them long afterward. One such lesson is the importance of acceptance in searching for good mental and physical health.
“I feel that if you are healthier, feel good about the way you look, watch how you approach or take different situations, and are at peace with your current state of mind, you will have a better outlook on life and be more productive in everything that you do,” senior Talia Trotter said.
To complete a New Year’s resolution, many feel like they have to accept who they are right now to become the actual people they want to turn into as the year progresses. However, following this sentiment is often difficult, because it can take monumental effort to accept flaws and shortcomings. Accepting who oneself is can make one more productive in everything they start doing.
“My New Year resolves to be more productive in the things I do, like doing my homework as soon as I walk into the house, to put myself on a schedule so I can have time to myself, and to work and so everything can run smoothly,” junior Christian Jacobs said.
New Year’s Day is a holiday of new meaning, new realizations, and new motivations. The Marriotts Ridge community will resolve to march forward, hopeful for a successful 2022.