Seniors Share Their Post-Graduation Plans
May 31st is a day the seniors at Marriotts Ridge are greatly anticipating, and it means only one thing: graduation!
The graduation for the class of 22’ will be taking place at Merriweather Post Pavilion at 11 AM. Each graduating senior gets 10 tickets and is welcome to bring anyone they want to witness their big day.
Graduating can be a very exciting thing. It signifies one step closer to the future and is a huge accomplishment, but it can also be very nerve racking. The event marks starting a new chapter of one’s life and is filled with many responsibilities. However, such steps can be just as exciting as they are scary.
“I’m very excited to graduate because I’m starting a new chapter in my life. I’m a little nervous, since the future can be scary to think about— college, moving, getting a job, starting a family— but the thrill and excitement of it all makes it worth it,” senior Jack Haywood said.
Graduating is something to be proud of, which is why many seniors are using their ten tickets to invite their family and friends to watch and celebrate this significant milestone.
“My family and friends are going to my graduation, we’re going to do a family party type of thing after to celebrate me graduating and pursuing an air space and engineering degree. I’m going to Guatemala to celebrate there as well,” senior Roger Morales said.
When graduating high school, a common and conflicting train of thought is the idea that one leaves behind the great times of adolescence, but moves towards new knowledge and experiences.
“I feel like my time in high school was great. I got to meet a lot of new people since I transferred here my freshman year and it was a pretty fun experience. I didn’t really achieve everything I wanted to; I do regret a lot of things back in freshman and sophomore year when it came to academics and sports. I’m going to miss high school and all the people I met along the way,” senior Terrance Anderson said.
Everyone’s taking their own different and exciting journey after high school. Some have mapped out their future, while some are still figuring it out along the way. Whether it be going to college, taking a gap year, getting a job, etc, seniors are planning to make the best out of their post-secondary plans.
“I plan on traveling across seas after graduation, then studying at the University of Maryland for the business program, then hopefully getting a job. I chose the University of Maryland because it’s close to home, it’s cheap, and I know a lot of people who are going. After college, I plan to get my masters at Stanford or Harvard and become CEO of an upcoming business,” senior Philip Nguyen said.
The process of college applications seniors have just completed can be tricky, and seniors hope to make this journey a little easier for the Class of 2023 by sharing their wisdom.
“A piece of advice I would give to juniors applying to college is to do a little bit each day and pace yourself, and to use the resources that the school provides you with, like help from your counselors and college visits. Make sure that the college you’re applying to is actually somewhere that you would thrive, don’t just apply to a college because you think it’s a good school academically. Most importantly do not be stressed out, even if you don’t know what you want to major in yet, there’s always time and you can apply to colleges as undecided,” senior Madison Matlock said.
No matter what the Class of 2022 is planning to do after they graduate, the Marriotts Ridge community wishes them good luck on their future adventures.

Hi, my name is Samantha Matlock. I’m a senior and the Features Editor for The Stallion. I love writing and being in journalism, and outside of school,...