Hitting The Slopes
As the weather gets cooler, the skiing season begins and many students are excited to get back on the slopes. During the season, students travel to different mountains both in and out of the state. Many students enjoy this time of year as they love to ski, because it’s an activity that brings people together to bond over a common interest.
The Marriotts Ridge community is no exception, and many students are already planning their ski trips. The skiing community is positive and gives students a chance to meet new people with a similar passion for the sport.
Many students were excited to share their enthusiasm for skiing.
“I can not wait to go skiing this season. I’ll be able to go skiing every weekend and have new people to ski with. I think there isn’t enough attention or love shown to skiing and snowboarding, and I would possibly even like to see a [school] ski team in the future,” sophomore Steve Brunner said.
Some students love to ski because they grew up going with their families.
“I started skiing when I was very young. I have always grown up around it and would go on family ski vacations every winter. I have been to many different mountains and resorts, but my favorite is Brekinridge by far; the snow is powdery and the resort/mountain is huge,” junior Quinn Cestone said.
Although it’s easier to start skiing at a younger age, one can always learn later in life. The downside to skiing is that it can only be done in winter or places with a great deal of snow, which can be a problem for people living in Maryland.
“I don’t get to go skiing as often as I would like due to the warm winters, rain, school, and sports,” sophomore Katy Brunner said.
In Maryland, there aren’t many options of where to go skiing as it often has fairly warm winters where there is barely any snowfall. This drought often leads to east coast mountains having little to no natural snow, which makes it difficult for students to ski without traveling hours away.
People enjoy the sport of skiing for many reasons, “I love skiing because I can feel the wind on my face and the adrenaline flowing through my body as I go down the slope. I can learn new tricks, go faster, and improve each day. I also enjoy the lift rides with friends as we get to talk about the run, what trail we are doing next, joke around, and listen to music. I also enjoy going into the warm lodge, relaxing, and getting something to eat,” sophomore Luke Holland said.
Skiing is a great activity for relaxing and clearing one’s mind, as you are outside and distracted from your normal life. If you’ve never been skiing, consider trying it for the first time this winter as it gets colder and more snow arrives.

Hi, my name is Liam Wolfsheimer. I am a sophomore, and this is my first year in journalism. I will be a writer this year, focusing mainly on sports. I...