Hogwarts Legacy: A Disappointment Among Students

Students were excited to play the newest video game of the Harry Potter franchise, “Hogwarts Legacy,” but had mixed feelings about it after playing. Some were disappointed about the quality of the game, and many left negative comments after the game’s release. However, others were also thrilled to play the new game.
When the game was initially released, people were quick to praise the game for its unique playing styles, such as the ease of access that made the game enjoyable to play. However, many people in the internet community, specifically on boards such as Reddit and 4chan, were quick to criticize the game for what they seem to perceive as bad gameplay and a disappointing experience.
“When I saw the game’s ads on Youtube and some videos about the game on Youtube, it looked horrible. I didn’t like the game at all. It had bad graphics and horrible gameplay,” sophomore Jacy Zhai said.
Others seemed to agree that the game wasn’t a great experience.
“It’s pretty bad, I didn’t like it. The game is also too confusing to play. The game is just a waste of money, and it would be better to spend your money on buying the movies,” sophomore Davi Bastos said.
In spite of the negative reviews, many students decided to play the game. They tried to look past the criticisms and attempt to form their own opinions in actual gameplay.
Despite the abundance of negative reviews from fans, others expressed that the game was to their liking.
“In the beginning, I thought it would be complicated, but it was easy to catch on. I liked the visuals and the way you could interact with the characters in the game. If you have a good high end PC, then the graphics would be good and the surroundings would look nice also,” sophomore Sandrine Roh said.
Others are still neutral in their standing regarding the game.
“My mom bought the game for me on my birthday, so I had to play it. It wasn’t that bad. Some parts, such as the graphics and some gameplay were bad, but it was decent nonetheless,” freshman Christopher Chung said.
When students enjoy a video game, they will often recommend it to their friends and family. After playing this game, however, they would not advise others to play it.
“I wouldn’t recommend this game to someone else because there are other Harry Potter games that people can play better than this one. Those games have better gameplay than this Harry Potter game,” sophomore Sarah McManus said.
Even though the game wasn’t entirely well received, there were still many features in the game that everyone enjoyed, including the story mode aspect of the game. The fact that the game was an open-world setting, which means that players can explore the game’s contents with no restriction, was a delight to students. The game might not have been a huge success, but it did bring the world of Harry Potter to as many students as possible.

My name is Arrshath Mohaideen, and I’m a senior. I’m a writer for The Stallion, and this is my fourth year in Journalism, which is a great class. I'm...