Seniors Reflect On Their Time At The Ridge
As graduation approaches, seniors reflect on their high school experiences after the four year rollercoaster ride. Seniors are the last round of high schoolers who were affected by the pandemic at large. When the Class of 2023 were freshmen, their year was interrupted by the pandemic and they were in virtual or hybrid school for all of their sophomore year.
“It’s very unfortunate that [the pandemic] happened, but I think that we have been making the most of what we have left. Definitely better to focus on the remaining days of high school with friends and sports, rather than the days we lost,” Frank Rhodes expressed.
Despite the hardships they faced when school was online, some students reflected on the experience positively and shared their favorite virtual school memory.
“When in classes online I loved meeting my peers’ pets; it was a big highlight of being in high school online,” Amanda Ichniowski explained.
Getting back into the groove of things when school became in-person again was difficult for many. The shutdown changed up students’ schedules, which included the well known and beloved asynchronous Wednesdays, therefore making it difficult for students to readjust.
Although the pandemic’s impacts had lessened by the time seniors returned to school their senior year, there were still lingering effects on teaching styles.
“The heavy use of Chromebooks post-pandemic has been a good improvement, especially when it comes to managing the work you are given with needing to be on Canvas almost every day,” Jack Vennard said.
The graduating class has been through a great deal, but when it comes down to the actual graduation, there are some conflicting feelings. Over the past few years, long term friendships and memories were made, and seniors had gotten used to their routine which was a significant change for most, so there is a bittersweetness lingering in the hallways at Marriotts Ridge.
“I feel both sad and happy. [I will be] sad because I will miss all of my friends and teachers and due to the pandemic, I feel a year younger. High school brings a lot of memories for me,” Sangeetha Selva Kumar explained.
The end of high school prompted students to share their favorite memories.
“Now that it has been revealed, my favorite memory was being the mascot. Dressing up, going to football games and just messing around; it is a memory I’ll definitely remember,” Rhodes said.
As seniors’ time in high school slowly comes to an end, many memories have been made. With this chapter of their lives closing, the Class of 2023 embarks on a new stage in their life and eagerly await college, careers or other future plans.

Hey there. My name is Brooke Mosher, and I am a senior. This year, I’m the news editor for The Stallion, and this is my fourth and final year in journalism....