New Movies Hit The Theaters
As spring of 2023 kicks off, new movies follow. From comedies and thrillers to huge movie franchises, new exciting movies like Shazam! Fury of the Gods, Creed 3, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, The Super Mario Bros. Movie and Scream 6 are being released.
On March 17, the sequel everyone has been waiting for, Shazam! Fury of the Gods, was released. In the original Shazam!, Billy Batson was just a 14 year old foster kid when a witch cursed him, forcing him into a world of chaos and mayhem. Four years later, the superhero and his siblings are back, and fans loved this one.
“I really enjoyed this movsupie; it was hilarious like the first one, I think I liked this movie better than the original. I like Billy so much because he’s not like every other superhero. He’s a 14 year old kid and still he chooses to save the world even though he doesn’t necessarily have to. One of my favorite actors Jack Dylan Grazer plays in these movies too; it was interesting to see him play another character other than his famous role of Eddie in IT,” senior Zach Fauver commented.
The first Scream movie was released in 1996, and the iconic series continues into 2023. On March 10th, another Scream film was released, Scream 6. Marriotts Ridge is full of Scream fans, many of which have opinions on the new movie and the franchise in general.
“The new Scream movie was awesome; it was exhilarating and got my heart pumping. Scream 2 was my favorite out of all of them, I like the whole mask concept. I’ve seen all the Scream movies and I’Il say I think the franchise is going on too long. Honestly this is happening with a lot of franchises, these good original ideas are being abused and used over and over again, and it’s getting old,” junior Ben Kylap explained.
Many were excited for The Super Mario Bros. Movie, a film based on the popular video game Super Mario. Childhood favorites like Mario and Peach Princess plan to battle the all-powerful Browser in this recently released film. Many students who played the video game when they were younger were inspired by the outcome of the film.
“I have seen the Super Mario Bros. Movie, it was very good. My favorite part was Jack Black, he’s a very talented voice actor. The animation was good; it was very high qulaity and realistic, but also cartoony at the same time. I played the video game when I was younger, watching the movie was very nostalgic,” freshman Nick Brown said.
Some of these movies go all the way back to the 1900’s. On March 3, Creed 3 hit theaters. The inspiring and emotional story started in 1976, when the first Rocky movie came out. Since then, the Rocky and Creed series and fanbase have only grown, leaving fans thrilled for the new movie.
“I watched the new Creed movie and I really liked it. I thought it was an amazing movie, another great addition to the franchise. Jonathan Majors played an exceptional villain. I’ve seen all the previous movies, and while I liked the second one the best, this one was definitely great as well. Watching these movies brings back the nostalgia of the Rocky movies,” freshman Dominic Funkhouser shared.
On March 31 theaters were filled; Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, was released. Based on the board game Dungeons & Dragons, this movie is about a group of adventurers embarking on a journey to retrieve a long lost relic, but run into challenges. Marriotts Ridge has lots of D&D fans.
“As a D&D fan myself, I can honestly say that this movie exceeded my expectations. I knew this movie was going to be epic, but I didn’t expect it to have so much in common with the game. Plus, I watched it in 3D, so the whole experience was surreal, like I was inside the movie,” sophomore Lammes Bazzi said.
Watching a new film and enjoying the movie theater experience can be a great way to start the fourth quarter and spring. Students who saw these movies definitely recommend kicking off the season with these new titles.

Hi, my name is Samantha Matlock. I’m a senior and the Features Editor for The Stallion. I love writing and being in journalism, and outside of school,...