A new school year has begun at Marriotts Ridge High School, and with it has come many opportunities for students of all grade levels to participate in afterschool clubs and honor societies. Covering a wide variety of potential interests, the Club Fair was underway from September 18th to the 21st, an event in which the various student-led organizations got together to advertise various extracurricular activities. Colorful booths decorated the cafeteria while various club leaders informed inquiring students about the application process, club details and much more.
“Being part of a club and staying involved in that club not only helps with leadership positions, executive positions, and in the long term for college applications, but also just serves as a nice place to connect with your peers and build community,” said senior Darren Wang, founder and president of the Marriotts Ridge Culinary Club.
Whether student interests lie in community service and outreach, connecting with culture and heritage or in a more niche personal interest such as crochet or poetry, the wide range of clubs can initially be overwhelming for someone looking to get involved. The Club Fair is an opportunity for students to understand their options, have an opportunity to speak with leadership and form a quality first impression. Clubs can be instrumental in helping students form social connections with peers who share mutual interests and often can lead students into groups they never would’ve imagined themselves joining as part of their high school experience.
“A lot of my friends were in it, so I just kind of decided to join and it turned out to be a really great experience, and with all my clubs there’s been a sense of thriving community,” said junior and Rocketry Club treasurer Aadit Shah.
While clubs are extremely useful in providing students with a safe, welcoming environment to interact with fellow students and bond over common interests, they can additionally be important as a tool to expand your college resume. Gathering service hours is made accessible through clubs such as Helping Howard County Grassroots, Interact and Project LETS, which help students feel more connected to their community and environment.
Additionally, clubs assisting with interests such as law, engineering, business and much more can serve as an introduction to a variety of college majors and future careers. Simply figuring out personal likes and dislikes can be hugely beneficial when planning for the future.
While students may initially fixate on the more prominent and well-known clubs or honor societies such as Model United Nations, Speech and Debate or Tri-M, it is important to note that the diverse options available to students offer a wide variety of opportunities outside what one might initially think. Clubs offer commitment levels ranging from Wednesday during FLEX time to weekly after school, allowing students to weigh out their options and find what’s right for them. Resoundingly, club leaders encourage students to look outside the college application and towards self discovery and fun when planning out their extracurriculars for the year.
“I always encourage my friends to join all types of clubs despite their size…It’s definitely made my high school experience better because I always stress about school work but because of clubs I get time most days to do something I enjoy,” said junior Arya Ram, graphic designer for Model UN.
The start of a new school year is a chance for students to discover their passions among welcoming, like-minded peers. For anyone who is considering joining clubs but may have missed the Club Fair, the MRHS website offers a comprehensive list of clubs and their contact information. It is not too late for students to put themselves out there and be proactive with their high school experience.
Looking Past the Classroom: Marriotts Ridge Club Fair Showcases Extracurriculars
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About the Contributor

Noah Journo, Staff Writer
My name is Noah Journo, and I’m a senior in my second year of journalism. I participate in track and field as a runner and a thrower, play cello in the orchestra, and participate in Tri M and Key Club. When I’m not at school, I love playing guitar or listening to music. I can’t wait to return to writing this year.