Seniors all around Marriotts Ridge High School have been looking forward to the all you can eat crabs and boatload of food that will be available at this year’s Crab Feast. Taking place in the school cafeteria on Wednesday, September 27th, seniors enjoyed a fun evening, socializing with friends and eating their fill of crabs.Making their way along the home st retch of their high school careers, seniors at MRHS enjoyed a variety of events designed to help them enjoy their final year. These events included the Senior Sunrise, Picnic, and of course, the Crab Feast.Seniors were asked to give their opinions on the hot topic of the sixty-five dollar price for each individual ticket which included all-you-can-eat crabs as well as a t-shirt.“It’s a lot, but I think it’s understandable, crabs can be pretty expensive,” said Connor Cosgrove.As one ticket provides students with a wide arrangement of buffet style foods as well as a t-shirt, one can understand why the school would ask for so much for each individual ticket. However, some don’t agree with the pricing and believe the school is asking for an unfair amount.“It’s way too much money, especially if you don’t even eat crabs,” said Julia Wade.Wade brings up a good point, while there are many other food options for those who don’t enjoy crabs, every student is still paying the same price due the value of crabs.“I would like pizza, that would be much better and cheaper,” said Wade.While pizza would certainly be a cheaper option compared to crabs, some students don’t worry about the price, and are even willing to spend more for their preferred dish.“I would love steak, that’d be great,” said Joaquim Leiser.While many students would certainly love all you can eat steak, the effects on ticket prices would certainly skyrocket.Though some students would prefer their favorite dish at crab feast, an overwhelming majority of seniors interviewed said they were happy with crabs. Many students at Marriotts Ridge are familiar with eating crabs as it is a popular dish in Maryland.“I love crabs, especially putting old bay on them,” said Cosgrove.Each student has their own unique taste and preferences when it comes to food. At Crab Feast, one can expect to see all of these come together with the assortment of seasonings and sauces students may use.“[I’m excited for] cracking and eating all the crabs,” said Cosgrove.While some students are most looking forward to the food and the t-shirts, others are looking forward to the less tangible things.“[I’m looking forward to] the memories that I’ll get from it,” says Leiser.
Greeted at the doors of the cafeteria with this year’s Crab Feast shirts, students were invited in to enjoy bins of crabs heavily seasoned with Old Bay. Seniors had a great time enjoying time with their friends and filling up on food such as crabs, pork, green beans, and mac n cheese.“I thought they made a good amount of food for everyone. With the pork and greens, they provided people who don’t love crabs with more than enough other options to choose from,” said Jaclyn Yencha.But as always, nothing is perfect, and there was room for improvement at Crab Feast.“Crab Feast could’ve been better if they had more of that seafood mac n cheese. It was the best food there,” said Michael Machiran.Though some small adjustments could have enhanced this year’s Crab Feast, it is fair to say the event was a success. With a light and fun social environment surrounded by crabs, pork and other delighful dishes, seniors from the Class of 2024 had a great night at Crab Feast.
A Crab-tivating Night: 2023 Senior Crab Feast
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About the Contributors

Jack VanTine, Staff Writer
Hi, my name is Jack VanTine. I’m a senior excited for my first year of journalism. Outside of school, I play lacrosse and work at the Turf Valley golf course.

Zach Vernick, Editor-in-Chief
Hi, I’m Zach, this is my fourth year in journalism and I am the editor-in-chief. I don’t have a doctorate in English or anything, but I did pass 8th grade so that has to count for something. I love sports and I play baseball, golf, and I ski. I also love a good sandwich and you will always catch me eating during journalism. This is a great team to be a part of and I’m super excited for what we’re doing this year for the school newspaper.