Wearing a costume on Halloween is something many people have been participating in since their childhood. Whether it be by wearing a costume or going on a hayride, people of all ages celebrate in many ways. Halloween is a day people look forward to, taking a step back into their childhoods, and having fun with friends and their communities. Certain school traditions have played a role in making Halloween an exciting day for students; however, many questions and emotions have risen as to what happened to these beloved school traditions, and new countywide policies put in place against them. Students have been very confused about why the school system no longer allows them to participate in dressing up on Halloween when students were previously able to a few years ago. This restriction has caused many students to blame administration, not realizing it was a countywide policy.
“I think that is frustrating because I think everyone should be able to express how they are feeling and be able to wear whatever they want. I don’t understand why the school doesn’t let us dress up,” said junior Rubi Levine.
Many students agree with the reasoning behind the policy; however, there is a general consensus that there are other ways to incorporate the spirit of Halloween into the school day.
“I think to celebrate Halloween without being able to wear costumes, we could have a schoolwide Halloween movie,” said sophomore Srihith Velumuri.
Other students also agree that there are still safe alternatives that the school could have to make it a fun day for students.
“I think we should have a little segment at the end of the day to show off [students’] Halloween masks, but not wear it throughout classes,” Levine said.
Ideas such as this would allow students to still have the spirit of Halloween all while still following the school rules, especially for students who have a large passion for Halloween and its activities.
“I love Halloween, I think Halloween is very fun, and [I love to] bake Halloween desserts,” said junior Natasha Frankie.
Other students believe that a restriction against wearing costumes to school might not be such a bad thing as there are some misinterpretations of what they can wear.
“I think that there are good reasons behind not being able to wear Halloween costumes to school because some people could come to school undressed,” said junior Trijal Pinninti.
This concern is followed by students who do not care much that they are not able to dress up for school as they are still able to show off their costumes while trick or treating.
“I feel pretty indifferent to not being allowed to wear a costume because I would not have worn it to school anyways,” said junior Risha Basatwar.
Students bring up other points such as being allowed to wear Halloween costumes to school while being in elementary school. However, some students do not mind not being able to dress up as they have lost interest in many of these Halloween traditions.
“As I’ve gotten older I dont’ care as much because I care less about needing to dress up,” said sophomore Yash Rekula.
Although many students are frustrated about these policies, they understand why the policy is in place as well as why the county continues to implement it, even if removing beloved Halloween school traditions is the cost.
Howard County Policy Spooks Students out of Wearing Halloween Costumes
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About the Contributor

Simran Singh, Editor
My name is Simran Singh and I am a senior. This is my third year in journalism, and I’m excited to be an editor for The Stallion. I love reading and writing. In my free time I love rowing, playing music, and traveling!