Lent, which started on Ash Wednesday, February 14th, is a religious observance when Christians give up something of significance or promise to do something for forty days, ending on Good Friday. This year, many Marriotts Ridge students who are celebrating shared their traditions and the importance of what they are giving up.
“Lent is important, especially Ash Wednesday it’s a day of repentance and a day to call upon forgiveness from God, and it is also important for Lent because we keep in mind the upcoming event of Easter, Christ’s rising, and it’s important for us to stay humble and to seek God continually. On Fridays, we give up meat as another thing to give up,” senior Brynne Mellady said.
Bad habitats or toxic items can be given up for Lent, students give up a variety of significantly meaningful practices.
“Each year, I try to give up something that is not necessarily important to me but something that is a bad habit, so each year I am trying to build healthy habits through that and hopefully not only through Lent give it up but past Lent give it up,” explained Mellady.
Lent is a time set aside each year to commemorate the 40 days Jesus Christ spent fasting in the desert and the enduring temptation made by Satan.
Many students give up items of significance to them. These items can be a bad habit that one might need to give up.
“I am giving up sweets because I eat a lot of sweets and I wanted to give up something I eat a lot of. Last year I gave up meat,” junior Eby Basil said.
Lent ends right before Easter, which is celebrated on Sunday, March 31st, to observe the resurrection of Christ. Many families have different unique traditions and ways of celebrating each year.
Many families also typically celebrate Easter Eve with fun festivities.
“For Easter Eve we usually dress up, and then we have a whole feast after the service,” junior Aleena Jayan said.
Easter is a time to spend with family and reflect upon the life of Christ.
“Growing up, every Easter I would have dinner with my family, and we would be reminded that Christ died for us and rose again. It means a lot to our family and we make sure to always remember the significance of Easter and Lent,” said junior Breanna Hyatt.
A memorable part of the holiday for many children is participating in an egg hunt and seeing the Easter Bunny.
“My Easter traditions are to go see family, typically I go see my aunt and my whole family and we usually just have an Easter Egg hunt for the little kids and then go to church, and then we have a big feast after, and nice family time,” mentioned Mellady.
Lent and Easter are important observances celebrated by many. It is a time to reminisce on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and its impact on students.
Observances of Lent and Easter
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About the Contributors

Simran Singh, Editor
My name is Simran Singh and I am a senior. This is my third year in journalism, and I’m excited to be an editor for The Stallion. I love reading and writing. In my free time I love rowing, playing music, and traveling!

Sahasra Pola, Managing Editor
I’m Sahasra Pola! I’m a senior, and this is my third year of journalism. Outside of school I like to bake, read, travel, and hang out with my friends. I’m super excited to be a part of journalism again this year!