The Marriotts Ridge High School theater department is known for its amazing shows in the school community. They have planned and produced three successful plays for the 2023-2024 school year, including Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Chicago and their most recent and final performance, The 39 Steps.
The 39 Steps, which takes place during World War 1, details the story of Richard Hannay, who happens to get involved in a ring of spies known as The 39 Steps. Hannay finds himself murdered, and through his journey in evading the law, he falls in love with a woman named Pamela. The show follows their adventure together with an ending that leaves many shocked.
Like many other performances, The 39 Steps took months to perfect. Planning for the show took hard work from the cast, crew and directors to ensure the play was at its best.
“We first did script memorizing in November, then visualizing from December to January, and Tech Week and Dress Rehearsals from February 20th to February 29th. It took a total of four months,” said sophomore JT Montreux.
The show premiered on March 1st, with three shows following, each featuring different casts and lead roles. Many students enjoyed the show and found it a complex story efficiently portrayed.
“I loved watching 39 Steps because I loved seeing my friends act out such a complex story,” junior Simar Saini commented.
Senior Reyansh Attvar, who portrayed the lead role of Richard Hannay, received a standing ovation at the end of his final performance for his excellent work in the play and previous shows.
“Standing there, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. It was a moment, marking both an end and a beginning. My last show at Marriotts Ridge, but also the first for many,” Attavar explained.
Many cast members felt a sense of finality with The 39 Steps as it was the last show for many seniors, including Henry Merkel, who also played the lead role of Hannay on February 29th and March 1st. The MRHS theater department has put much effort into its shows this year and was certainly deserving of their last standing ovation from their family and friends.
“As I heard the applause from my friends, my family, and the many others in that crowd, I couldn’t help but reflect on the journey that has led me to that stage—the after-school rehearsals…the moments of doubt, and the support I received from all of my peers. This was only possible because of them,” Attavar commented.
With The 39 Steps being the last show of the year, students reflect on the theater department’s performance as a whole. Earlier in the year, MRHS had put on outstanding performances for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Chicago, featuring many talented students at Marriotts Ridge.
“I had a great time doing [Chicago], I love performing and getting casted as the lead was a dream. I worked really hard throughout the past couple months learning the role, and I’m very thankful that everyone in the cast supported me… I love the community that we’ve created,” Saini commented.
Many changes have been made to the theater department itself. With theater teacher Ms. Greffen begins her third year at Marriotts Ridge next year, and beginning shortly after the pandemic, she has been focused on helping the theater department regain mobility to have full performances.
“Last year was just reintroducing students to what it is like to put on a full-length play on the stage with a full set, lighting, costumes, tech and the same thing for a musical this year,” explained theater teacher Ms. Greffen.
With these changes in mind, students look forward to what other changes the theatre department may make to keep expanding the department and the shows.
“Next year, our model will change a little bit. There are two big shows open to the entire student body next year: the fall play, which will be just a straight play, not a musical, and then the spring musical, which will be open to the whole school,” said Ms. Greffen.
One lingering question many students have are the possible shows being featured in the 2024-2025 school year. The theater department has had a theme of mystery and intrigue in this year’s shows, but students in and outside of the theater department wonder what Ms. Greffen has to offer in the upcoming year.
“There’s only one musical next year, so I’m really excited for what Ms. Greffen will choose… I hope it’s something everyone will come and watch and enjoy, I just hope it’s a big show,” Saini said.
The theater program is a large program, and with more and more changes to be made come more opportunities for students to get involved and find new aspects they may enjoy within the theater program. After the three amazing shows that premiered for the 2023-2024 school season, students await what the theater program has planned in the upcoming school year.
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About the Contributors

Abdullah Khan, Staff Writer
Hi my name is Abdullah Khan, and this is my first year in journalism. I am a writer and intrigued to learn more.

Raniya Baig, Arts Editor
Hi, my name is Raniya. I’m a junior, and this is my first year in journalism. Outside of school, I work at a café and enjoy hanging out with my friends whenever I can!