Having a good teacher can be a determining factor in how much a student likes their class. Some students find that a good teacher makes up for a challenging subject, or even vice versa. Students across Marriotts Ridge High School came together to define what a good teacher looks like to them and just how important a good teacher can be.
“[Teachers] have to genuinely care about the students,” said senior Emily Kim-Vance.
Many students agree that a teacher with a caring attitude can build meaningful relationships with their students. Kim-Vance asserts that when teachers show that they truly care about their students, it makes them learn better. Mutual respect is also a big factor of what makes a good teacher.
“A healthy amount of respect and a healthy amount of rules, but the rules have to be reasonable,” shared Kim-Vance.
A balance of respect and understanding between a teacher and their students can often contribute to better learning. When respect and reason is shown to students, students will happily reciprocate. Many others also agree with this idea, confirming that mutual respect is key.
“If the teacher makes it fun, then I engage more in the class,” observed freshman Holly Grutzik.
Many students have a preference for certain subjects, perhaps they are STEM-oriented, or they prefer the arts or languages. However, how a teacher conducts a class can determine how much students enjoy their time.
Although the subject of the class may not be interesting to a student, some teachers go above and beyond to create a sense of curiosity and interest within their students. Grutzik also mentioned that some teachers achieve this goal by including their own anecdotes and jokes to avoid a lecture-like feeling. Teachers who are able to engage their students often find that students are excited to attend and participate in class.
“The comfortable environment that teachers set up helps me enjoy a class,” Kim-Vance shared. She — among many others — finds that teachers who are more relaxed and “[accept] the fact that children make mistakes” make her love not just the class, but also the subject as a whole.
Teachers support and help students and give them a better understanding of the overall subject. When students grasp a concept, they have more fun in a class — but sometimes they need help achieving this.
Grutzik shared that she appreciates it when her teachers “understand why it’s taking [her] so long to get the answer right; they actually take time to explain something step by step.”
Understanding an idea makes her want to participate in class more and helps both her grades and her confidence.
Likewise, when students excel in certain subjects, it is vital that teachers continue to challenge and support them. They can do this by giving motivated students extra or more difficult work or even recommending them for higher-level classes. When students feel that they are good at a skill and are being challenged, their self-esteem rises, and they develop more of a passion for learning.
Good teachers are abundant, and their positive reinforcements can have a vital impact on their students, both in the classroom and beyond school gates.
What Makes a Good Teacher?
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About the Contributors

Anjali Yadava, Editor
I’m Anjali Yadava, a senior in my second year Journalism. I love listening to music, going on drives, and swimming. I’m excited to be an editor this year and I can’t wait to spend senior year with my friends in journalism.

Mei Greer, Staff Writer
Hi, I’m Mei. I am a Junior and this is my first year in journalism. I am an exchange student from Germany, an avid traveler and love hanging out with my friends and family all over the world.