As the end of third quarter approaches on April 9th, Mustangs begin to assess their overall achievements, goals and improvements. The third quarter is considered a huge milestone as the school year is close to an end. Mustangs can react in various ways: where they’re proud of their growth, where they’re scrambling to get their grades up or even both.
“I don’t like how this quarter is ending so soon because I feel I need more time to improve my grades,” sophomore Jason Lu expressed.
The end of the quarter can be intimidating, with students becoming increasingly stressed about their grades. With the third marking period being in the middle of the school year, it can be one of the hardest quarters for students. Mixed with procrastination and bad time management, students can really struggle this quarter. The continuous worry about how to get their grades up, students simply feel unprepared for the new quarter. On the other hand, many students are also well-prepared for the third quarter to end.
“Before third quarter, I didn’t have a way to organize myself, but then I learned how to use my planner and organize my time properly, which helped me throughout the quarter,” sophomore Rowah Abdelghani emphasized.
Many students feel accomplished and ready for the upcoming quarter as they have significantly improved in their performance. Whether the student stopped procrastinating, started managing their time better or began getting better grades, many students feel accomplished with their performance this quarter. Since these students were able to learn from their past mistakes from second and first quarter, they have significantly improved and struggled less than students who continued to procrastinate and have bad time management. Although many students were able to improve, some students still believe there are many improvements they can make for the next quarter.
“For the next quarter, I hope to improve on my studying habits and be more productive during class as well,” junior Jolie Tan described.
Many students feel as though they procrastinate too much, or as if they didn’t focus on school enough during the third quarter. Through these mistakes, these students plan on managing their time better in the future to improve their in-school performance. Students are able to use their performance from the third, second and first quarter to set themselves goals and challenges for the fourth quarter. Additionally, based on the scores from previous marking periods, students are able to set themselves up for the fourth quarter with grades they should be working for. Through Mustang’s presentation during the third quarter, students are encouraged to perform even better for the fourth quarter.
Therefore, as the end of the quarter is around the corner, students have various mixed feelings. Whether a student feels nervous, unprepared, ready or excited about the upcoming quarter, students are expected to keep up with their hard work. Not only that, but the expectations for students are even higher as the end of the school year is near as well. Third quarter has become a learning experience for many students, where Mustangs absorb their past mistakes and use them to improve for the fourth quarter.
Third Quarter Triumphs and Troubles
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About the Contributor

Shaila Uddin, Staff Writer
Hi, my name is Shaila, and I’m a sophomore. This is my first year of journalism and I’m excited to learn new things and improve my writing skills. I also love hanging with my friends and listening to Taylor Swift.