Mouthwatering cookies, crispy Rice Krispy Treats, glorious muffins and the oh so sought after Switches. The school snack line is the pride of MRHS, but recent circumstances have forced the school to shut it down.
On April 1st, the Howard County School System declared it would be cracking down on unhealthy meals. The new decree included the closure of snack lines around the county, but the decision is seeing massive backlash from the student community.
“I love the school snack line, last lunch I ate 60 chocolate cookies. I was going to go for a new record next lunch, but now I’m just going to lunch disappointed,” voiced senior Jackson Komin.
Opinions from the student body are very one sided, with almost every student begging for the return of the snack line.
“The snack line was perfect as it was. I’m going to miss getting a sweet little treat every day, I hope the school system realizes what it’s done,” exclaimed senior Christian Luke.
Students are planning to fight back, organizing protests to reclaim their delicious lunch line snacks. Passionate walk outs, school boycotts and endless petitions are on the way if the school decides to go through with the decision.
“I plan to make my own snack line. Somebody’s gonna have to step up and bake treats, so why not me?” decided senior Boston Brown.
Hearing about this insubordination, the school system is doubling down on its decision. The regular school lunch will now feature all vegan food, to make sure students adhere to health guidelines. The coming week school lunches will solely feature bean cups, bags of lettuce, mushy tomatoes and stale spinach.
“This is the worst decision the school has ever made, I dont think I’m going to survive,” cried Komin.
The county is deciding to ignore comments from both students and teachers and is certain to go through with the decision.
“Nothing rallies us together like taking away our delicious treats, the school system is never going to get away with it,” explained Brown. “If they want to take away our snacks they’re gonna have to go through me first.”
In a recent meeting a new compromise was suggested, giving students the option to win back their snack line with good behavior. If students can remain silent at lunch for the next month the snack line will return, except this time with an added bonus treat.
The new and improved snack line would feature solely kidney beans, sold in quantities of one to obedient students. Although students hate the new idea for the snack line, the county believes students should see this new option as a privilege, and not a right.
As the battle between students and county rages on, onlookers wait in anticipation for either side’s next move, wondering when the famed Marriotts Ridge snack line will return to its former glory.
Lunch Line Scandal: Has Snack Gone too Far
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About the Contributor

Zach Vernick, Editor-in-Chief
Hi, I’m Zach, this is my fourth year in journalism and I am the editor-in-chief. I don’t have a doctorate in English or anything, but I did pass 8th grade so that has to count for something. I love sports and I play baseball, golf, and I ski. I also love a good sandwich and you will always catch me eating during journalism. This is a great team to be a part of and I’m super excited for what we’re doing this year for the school newspaper.