A shocking new decision has just been released regarding the Marriotts Ridge dress code. Starting in the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, Marriotts Ridge will now require all students to wear a school uniform. After months of debate between students and teachers, administration has decided it will be easier to implement the use of uniforms.
Many students expressed mixed feelings on this change with some thinking it is a step in the right direction and others saying it contradicts what students have been fighting for.
“We have been fighting for the freedom to wear the clothes we want and to have an equal dress code among all dress codes. Implementing a dress code in some ways makes it equal for everyone but restricts our freedom of what we wear even further,” said sophomore Shaila Uddin.
Other students argue that this change is beneficial since it saves them thought and time in the morning.
“This seems like a good idea since I can wake up later because I don’t have to pick out an outfit every morning now. Everyone is basically an outfit repeater all school year,” shared junior Sami Janakiraman.
On the other hand, many students not only feel as if uniforms restrict freedom of expression but also individuality. It promotes conformity which limits students’ ability to express themselves in the ways they want.
“I really enjoy expressing my personality through my clothes. I am really into fashion and it shows through the outfits I wear to school. Adding school uniforms really limits my ability to express my love for fashion,” said junior Zoya Ali.
Other students have concerns about the price of the school uniforms. With it being unclear whether these uniforms will be paid for by the school system, students are already starting to worry about the price it will cost to pay for their uniforms.
“I am not completely against the use of school uniforms; however, with me being a junior this year, it would mean I am paying loads of money for a uniform I will only end up wearing for eight months,” said junior Mahika Juneja.
Seniors expressed their relief that this decision was made for next year so they would not have to experience this change.
“I am quite relieved that I am graduating this year. [Seniors] got pretty lucky that they didn’t start this earlier and rather decided to start the year after we graduated,” said senior Brynne Mellady.
Students can start placing orders for their new uniforms starting after spring break. They can go onto the school website and place their order there or get a paper order slip from the Student Services Office. Depending on when your order is placed, students can expect to receive their new uniforms during the last week of this school year.
This new change for the upcoming school year brings both positive and negative changes that will impact the school community in a multitude of ways. Students have mixed emotions and all agree that regardless of whether or not they support this decision, it will take a while to adapt to the use of school uniforms.
New School Uniforms
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About the Contributors

Sahasra Pola, Managing Editor
I’m Sahasra Pola! I’m a senior, and this is my third year of journalism. Outside of school I like to bake, read, travel, and hang out with my friends. I’m super excited to be a part of journalism again this year!

Simran Singh, Editor
My name is Simran Singh and I am a senior. This is my third year in journalism, and I’m excited to be an editor for The Stallion. I love reading and writing. In my free time I love rowing, playing music, and traveling!