Girl Up is a club at MRHS that offers many opportunities for students to learn about the struggles in legislation for women in developing countries. The club offers support and opportunities for students to improve laws for young girls in Maryland and all across the globe.
Club president and senior Cora Selzer has certainly improved the club with her budding interest in young girls’ rights. The main purpose of the club is to provide an open space for anyone to create memorable social change not only for people in Marriotts Ridge, but those outside as well.
“The purpose of our club is to have space for girls to be heard and understood, giving people an opportunity to lead and create social change. In Girl Up, we aim to create a welcoming and accepting environment for every member to feel comfortable expressing their point of view,” Selzer claimed.
Many students find the club to be inspiring and a safe space for students to speak about women’s issues not only in the MRHS community, but outside as well.
“I liked Girl Up because it’s an organization that teaches me how to empower myself and other girls. Being part of the club feels more like being part of a community that only wants the best for you,” junior Simar Saini commented.
The Club’s sponsor is social studies teacher Mr. Ault, who provides the club with his extensive knowledge in politics and government.
“The girls who asked me asked me because of my background in political science and legislation, so one thing I did tell them when they started was that, ‘this isn’t a resume builder, you’re actually going to have to go an advocate and be a participant in the community’,” Mr. Ault explained.
Girl Up also focuses on helping communities in various other ways, for example donations, through legislation which offer many different ways for members to show leadership and passion in several community issues.
“This year we have done activities such as writing letters to our councilman, educational seminars, creating winter bundles for the homeless and donation drives,” board member and junior Rory Taylor commented.
A large focus for the club is legislation and making impactful changes through direct contact with local legislators and councilmen. The club has been consistent in making significant societal contributions through politics, which can be appealing to many students at Marriotts Ridge, and especially those looking to go into politics and government.
“Over the years [Girl Up] has gone and met with state senators; they’ve gone and met with our federal legislator, they’ve gone and advocated for pieces of legislation at the federal level and state level, and they’ve actually even testifies in front of Maryland General Assembly Committees,” Mr. Ault commented.
In the month of February, Girl Up planned a seminar on sexual harassment to educate students and discuss their opinions regarding the issue. Many students found this to be helpful and very educating, giving them a new perspective on the definition of harassment.
“I liked the seminar because we learned how to identify signs of trafficking and sexual violence in others, and we learned ways to intervene rather than being a bystander,” Saini explained.
As one of the many advocacy clubs within Marriotts Ridge, Girl Up strives to live up to its purpose in advocating and making significant contributions for various communities within and outside of Howard County. Girl Up has certainly brought comfort and a safe space for many students at Marriotts Ridge and continues to strive for the best for young girls across the world.
Club Spotlight: GirlUp
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About the Contributor
Sami Janakiraman, Editor-In-Chief
Hi, I'm Sami, this is my third year of journalism and I am the Editor in Chief. I love to read, be apart of journalism and hang out with my friends. Outside of school, I love to listen to music. I can't wait to write more articles and be Editor in Chief of The Stallion this year!