Remember three years ago when the entire east coast panicked over a sudden cicada invasion? Well, it’s coming back. Thinking another wave of cicadas would not come back for another seventeen years, this year, two different broods are emerging simultaneously, supposedly giving Maryland a wave of cicadas worse than in 2021. The two broods emerging this spring and summer of 2024 are 13-year Broods XIX and 17-year Brood XIII.
Many Marriotts Ridge students share their struggles preparing for the cicada invasion.
“I am terrified of cicadas because last time when they came out I was at my sister’s softball game, and they attacked me, so I had to run away. That’s why this year I am going to be more prepared with my insect repellant at hand and sunglasses on, so the cicadas don’t fly into my eyes,” said junior Allie Bonier.
Other students share their opinions on the recent trends of eating cicadas and covering them in chocolate or even frying them. Research has shown that cicadas can be a major source of protein, similar to the taste of shrimp, with recommendations for those allergic to seafood to not eat cicadas.
“Cicadas are weird; they’re scary. I would not want to touch them, be near them or even put them anywhere near my mouth because they are disgusting. I don’t know why people would eat them,” said junior Tamandeep Kaur.
Many students learned from their experiences during the last invasion to better prepare themselves this time around. With more background on how to avoid cicadas, people with a fear of bugs can better avoid them.
“Last time I was very unprepared and surprised when the cicadas emerged back in 2021. Along with many others, I had never experienced such a major bug invasion. I was shocked to see so many cicadas emerging and I feel like there was not enough news coverage on when they were going to emerge and what to do,” said junior Anjali Yadava.
Other students enjoy it when the cicadas emerge. They consider the event fascinating and rare.
“It’s not often you get to see swarms of cicadas around your house. They are completely harmless so you can just enjoy their presence, plus my dog loves to snack on them,” said junior Hannah Tark.
“I remember when they last came out; I felt as if I was being chased by the cicadas every time I left my house. I was especially petrified when I would, every now and then, find a cicada in my garage or basement,” said junior Risha Basatwar.
With the temperatures compared to previous years, cicadas had not emerged this spring. With summer almost approaching, many MRHS students are left pondering the question, “Will the cicadas even show up this year, or did they panic for no reason?” When the cicadas emerge, it will be a relief for some students while being disappointing for others.
A Tasty Dog Treat Re Emerges this Summer
Simran Singh
June 6, 2024
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About the Contributor

Simran Singh, Editor
My name is Simran Singh and I am a senior. This is my third year in journalism, and I’m excited to be an editor for The Stallion. I love reading and writing. In my free time I love rowing, playing music, and traveling!