With fall sports underway, many teams are celebrating senior night in the month of October, including the marching band. Teams that participate in senior night include golf, field hockey, football and more. Senior night is a great way for teams to celebrate the seniors on their teams and give them a final goodbye for the season, where families are also often present and walk down for their spotlight moment with their seniors. While at first glance, this night may seem bittersweet, MRHS seniors and student-athletes are full of energy and excitement when it comes to spending a spirited night with their teammates and getting a final chance to win.
On October 2nd, the MRHS golf team had their own senior night at the Waverly Woods Golf Club. They played against Howard High School where both the boys and girls teams won their matches. The rest of the night was spent celebrating the eight seniors on the team with family and friends.
“It was all so memorable because this was the first year that the golf team actually had a senior night. We all got posters of ourselves and we got to hang them up around the school,” reminisced senior varsity golf player Lila Becker.
Varsity golf was not the only fall sport to host senior night in the month of October. MRHS soccer held their senior night on October 15th for the girls team and October 16th for the boys team. The varsity football team’s senior night was held October 17th, the night of their game against North County High School, which they won by a landslide. Field hockey held their senior night on September 30th, making them one of the first teams to celebrate senior night, while marching band senior night occurred on October 31st as one of the last senior nights of the season.
At many senior nights, seniors and their families walk down the football field for a picture together while their name, intended major and other information are announced over the speakers. Cheers from friends, family, and teammates always ensue as teams show off the pride they have for their seniors. For senior nights, many seniors dress up and wear colorful decorations to show off their senior spirit and pride. The girls soccer team made and decorated their own superhero-themed shirts for the special day and the field hockey team dressed in bright colorful clothing like tutus and decorative feather boas for their senior night. Dressing up was a fun way for seniors to be acknowledged and stand out on their special day. During senior nights full of school spirit and team pride, seniors also got their senior banners. Many took fun pictures with their friends surrounding the posters of themselves and even took their banners home for safekeeping.
With senior nights indicating that the fall season is coming to an end soon, seniors and their teams are all riled up and ready to go for some of their final games. Many are looking forward to breaking new records and getting one last win under their belt by the end of the season. Seniors are not only looking forward to senior nights, but ending the season with a dramatic win for MRHS and for their team.
“I’ve been able to help the band improve and win a lot of competitions. This year we are going to win the state championships, which I can guarantee! We’re also going to national championships towards the end of the season, which we will hopefully also win,” marching band drum major Arun Vaidyanathan enthusiastically claimed.
Senior nights are a great way to get the whole team involved in honoring and helping seniors enjoy their last few games of the season. While it may be bittersweet now that the fall season is coming to an end, senior nights allow seniors and their own teammates to reminisce upon happy memories and hard earned achievements made together.
“Seniors are the peers we look up to and teach us the ropes. Senior night is a chance to show our role models how much we appreciate them and to celebrate before they graduate,” said sophomore field hockey player Elle Hagan.
With senior nights spanning the month of October, this is a great time to recognize and celebrate with senior student-athletes who will be graduating in May. Teams use these senior nights as a way to up the morale for the team and spend a fun, spirited night with their seniors. Playing their hardest, many seniors hope to achieve new feats and win more games as a way to end the fall season on a great note.
Senior Nights: Pumped Up!
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About the Contributor

Anjali Yadava, Editor
I’m Anjali Yadava, a senior in my second year Journalism. I love listening to music, going on drives, and swimming. I’m excited to be an editor this year and I can’t wait to spend senior year with my friends in journalism.