For the first time since 2022, Marriotts Ridge has received a five-star rating from the Maryland State Department of Education (MDSE). As the only five-star school in Howard County, excitement has been buzzing among the halls of MRHS.
Every year, the MDSE releases its Maryland Report Card, which rates schools in Maryland based on student achievement–both in academics and extracurriculars–and teacher prestige–gauging how well-qualified teachers are in a school. In the past, Howard County has consistently ranked among the top schools in the state, with seven schools earning a four-star rating and Marriotts Ridge being the only school in the county that has received a five-star rating. The Maryland School Report Card evaluates schools’ academic achievement, graduation rate, progress in achieving English language proficiency, readiness for post-secondary success, school quality, and student success.
Though the main benefit of a five-star rating is the pride that comes with it, students may also benefit when applying for colleges, as the admissions officer will take the esteemed reputation of the student’s school into account. The school also benefits from the rating as well as the students,
“The school itself gets more recognition and more money from the state government, but I think it’s also just the natural pride that increases both in students and staff,” social studies teacher Ms. Costabile said.
Last year, MRHS received a 74.7%, barely missing the mark for a five-star rating, which would have solidified a three-year streak of five-star ratings, but MRHS made a comeback by improving in every category. Improvement in English language proficiency and readiness for post-secondary success was pivotal as it boosted the rating by 0.9%.
Students should be proud of the rating because it is a standing reminder of the hard work and effort that goes into school every day. Moving forward, MRHS staff and students must work together to improve the rating and sustain our hard-earned five stars. This looks like students continuing their attendance, academic rigor, and achievement inside the school and out, as well as staff being nationally board-certified, being dedicated to the work they are doing, and creating an environment that is friendly for students. However, the most important part of all continuing success is to maintain the relationship between staff and students, which is such an important part of the Marriotts Ridge community.
“I think the relationship between the teacher and the students is most important. I know a lot of teachers [who] go around to students and tell them they’ll be good in this AP class or stay after school and help [them]. I see a lot of teachers doing things after school to have fun with learning. I also think our students are just really dedicated to being the best in all the ways.” Costabile said.
Students can also help by improving specific aspects of their performance at school, such as their attendance, which is a factor of the Maryland School Report Card that MRHS has missed the mark on in the past.
“Students need to be the best students and community members as they can. More specifically, they need to stay focused on their attendance, academics, and continue to engage with extra-curricular activities,” said assistant principal Ms. Cherry.
Many students at MRHS agree with the scoring of their high school by the MDSE. When asked what rating they would give the school, many students gave the school a five-star or four-star rating, primarily due to the quality of the school’s staff.
“I would give our school a five-star rating because the teachers are very well-qualified and they truly care about their students and how they perform,” junior Danielle Mathews explained.
The five-star rating that the school received is a result of all the hard work that MRHS staff and students accomplished this past year, which couldn’t have been done without the help of parents and those who were willing to give the school a hand. Despite the recognition and praise, rather than slowing down, the school community should continue to stay on the successful path that led them to this achievement.