Do Students Want to Return to School?
As hybrid learning commences, students share whether they want to return to school or stay virtual.
With students out of school for almost a year now, due to the pandemic, HCPSS is now looking at bringing students back in the building. Students can either return for two days a week, five days a week, or remain online. Modifications to students’ schedules were implemented March 1 in preparation for hybrid learning. While many students are looking forward to some in-person instruction, others aren’t so sure.
Most students believe that sending even a small group of people back to school at this time is not the best idea. They deemed it unsafe, as most students do not have an easily accessible vaccine. Aside from the basic risk and health concerns, students also bring up valid points that people may not have thought about, including internet and space issues.
“I feel there are lots of issues still present, like internet issues. The school cannot handle lots of students’ computers, phones, and other internet-based devices; the internet already struggles as is,” senior Alvaro Angarita said. However, this opinion is not universal.
“I think going back to school is a good idea because it gives new students the opportunity to know the school before the 2021-2022 school year,” freshman Abraham Akinladenu said. Other students, freshmen especially, agree with Akinladenu, as they have never attended high school before.
Considering that students had the choice to participate in hybrid learning, lots of different opinions are made based on which form of learning caters best to different students. Students who chose to go back to school have valid reasons as well as students who decided to remain virtual.
“I am taking chorus and Chinese this semester. I don’t like to sing in front of others, and don’t sing inside my house. Going hybrid allows me to learn the music easier, and sing with others who also have my part,” freshman Sofia Delisa-Hughes said.
“The teacher is present to answer any questions you may have in the school classroom setting rather than when you were virtual, making it harder to participate,” freshman Judy Tu said.
Other students claim that they see going back as a great way to make new friends and meet new people, but still chose to remain online because the risks outweigh socializing.
“Online learning is convenient, the work is more self-paced, although I think in hybrid learning you would be able to meet more people. I chose to do online because I think it’s the safer option,” Brianna Lan said.
The changes are being made to every student’s schedule, not just the ones who are participating in hybrid learning, which has caused students to form their own opinions on whether they like these new schedules or not. Many students seem to dislike the shorter lunches and longer classes.
“I am concerned about the lengths of classes now. If they become too long, I feel like students, including myself, will find it hard to focus for the entirety of the class. Additionally, I do not see the point of hosting flex time on Wednesdays. For most, that is the day when our school clubs meet. Adding a class period that day could conflict with people’s current schedules,” junior Arnav Patel said.
“I understand that the changes are a bit hard but I also know that a lot of planning goes into this. I would try and understand from my teachers what they feel about it. It’s best to experience the schedule before passing judgment,” freshman Rohaan Adusumill said.
In the end, only time will tell the merits and issues of the new schedule, however, one thing is certain. As always, the student body of Marriotts Ridge high School will continue to face adversity with resilience and flexibility.

Hi, my name is Amreen Adams. This is my first year of journalism and I work as a staff writer. I enjoy playing basketball and swimming. I also love reading,...